Study of the Tree Fern
Medium: Harvested bushfire charcoal, Ink and Acrylic paint on cold pressed paper
380mm x 420mm
$495 (framed)
Such a versatile growing species that can be seen in many landscapes across Kabi Kabi Country. When I watch the movement of the fronds with the delicate soft up and down gestures I am reminded of the wings of birds. I feel deep respect for Kabi Kabi Elder Aunty Beverly Hand who has taught me about how to look deeper into country to connect with many levels of changing and information sharing with ancestors. The shadows in this artwork are bringing a cheeky touch of Mia tricking the viewer and making them think about what they are looking at. The bespoke made green tones were mixed with winter seasonal viewing of the tree fern. The weekly interaction with this one specific tree fern brings a loving familiar togetherness as we both share the space we are growing in.
Study of Macaranga
Medium: Harvested bushfire charcoal, Ink and Acrylic paint on cold pressed paper
380mm x 420mm
$495 (framed)
I have been fascinated to learn more about the Macaranga from Kabi Kabi Traditional Owners. First Nations people use this tree for making spears. I make daily observations to see the beauty and change. Leaves have medicinal use also. The large, strong yet sometimes droopy leaves have a mesmerising translucency to them when viewed with morning sunshine beaming strong from a low angle. The scent at time of flowering is all encompassing for me and drifts my mind to focus on thoughts of contemplation.

Study of Plants Growing Around the Water
Medium: Harvested bushfire charcoal, Ink and Acrylic paint on cold pressed paper
420mm x 380mm
$495 (framed)
This compilation drawing was added to over the course of a 6 month Artists Residency at Cooroora Institute on Kabi Kabi Country. This drawing captured colours changing as the seasons move forward, plants moving, growing and changing with sunshine, rain and wild winds. The mix of urban line structure hints at the gesture of water as a shared essential for thriving life. The rural living of needing water tanks to keep stock of fallen precipitation stands alongside the once cleared nature returning. The colours are observed in the skies ever changing gradients of blues, whites and oranges. Often the spaces in between a view are where my mind wanders to. Thinking about the invisible energy bouncing from leaves and the unheard conversations that whisper through.
WOMEN WITH FORTITUDE: A bridge to the future